“Transforming Ayodhya into a Solar City, Powering a Sustainable Tomorrow with Solar Energy”

The Uttar Pradesh government is on a mission to turn Ayodhya into a “Solar City.”

Ayodhya, a sacred city, has been chosen with great reverence

Ayodhya’s Solar Glow Illuminating the Path to the Future

The Uttar Pradesh government, with support from agencies like German development agency GiZ

The Solar City Energy Action Plan outlines the design of the target energy system

The required renewable energy and storage capacities for a reliable supply, and the city’s potential for self-sufficiency in solar energy

Ayodhya: The targeted energy system for 2050 for the city, for 100% RE under a cost-optimized model

This plan, developed using Fraunhofer ISE’s KomMod tool, The roadmap for implementation spans short-term actions and strategies for the medium to long term


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